The first version of osakaOS is a buggy, broken mess. There are a number of bugs I know of currently ranging from minor to system breaking.
Here are a few minor bugs.
When you first boot up the OS, any key you press to enter will be sent to the command line, but won't be printed to the screen.
Pressing tab in the command line will automatically clear the screen but will also send a character to the command line without printing it.
If you play the snake game long enough, the snake can cut off its own tail if the tail can touch 2 different segments of the snake's body at the same time.
The file editor loads any data found on the disk sectors from the requested file. Because of this you can end up reading invalid data/another file and its header data.
A more significant bug would be infinite loops in AyumuScript. The following script will cause an infinite loop, and therefore, a system hang.
The 2 major bugs that will be of highest priority to fix when development continues both have to do with OFS.
If you try to delete a file that was not the most recently allocated, its likely to corrupt the OFS table and not all files will be able to be listed.
Every 4th block in a file will not save data correctly on its last sector, making relatively significant chunks of a file useless/prone to corruption.
These 2 bugs, and most of the others found on this page, will be fixed by the next release. In the mean time, if there are any bugs I should list here then let me know.
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